Young Charlie Garrett has vanished into the Kootenai Forest. Together with her teen daughter Marabeth, Jolene Garrett launches a frantic search through the surrounding Montana wilderness to find her missing boy. There’s only one thing more powerful than grief and that’s a mother’s will to protect her children, a will fueled by the loss of her husband and fortified by the gleaming blade of her ax
Morning Star #2
- 32 pages
- 12 books
Tim Daniel
Creator, writer, and designer, Tim Daniel got his start in comics writing The Walking Dead: Survivor’s Guide for Robert Kirkman’s Skybound Entertainment. (He later became a zombie himself in the show’s pilot episode). In 2012, Tim’s first original comic, Enormous, was published by Image Comics. Enormous later returned to print in 2014 as an ongoing series from 215Ink. Since then, Tim has written and co-created Burning Fields and Curse (both with BOOM!), as well as Skinned (Monkeybrain), The Plot (co-written with Michael Moreci for Vault Comics), Fissure (Vault Comics), End After End (Vault Comics), Denizen for Nightfall: Double Feature (with David Andry) (Vault Comics), and is an acclaimed designer in publishing and pop culture.
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