
My Dyslexic Life: A Journey Out of the Shadows


Today, researchers estimate that between five and twenty percent of the population is affected by dyslexia. This growing awareness and understanding of different learning styles has changed the lives of tens of millions of people. When Scott Douthit was growing up in the 1960s, though, no one could explain why it was so difficult for him to succeed in the one-size-fits-all schools he attended. My Dyslexic Life: A Journey Out of the Shadows, a deeply moving account of Scott’s struggles and triumphs, invites the reader to consider new ways of overcoming barriers to accomplishment and understanding, both for themselves and others. At once entertaining and touching, it offers an intimate glance into the life, mind, and heart of a courageous individual. Scott’s story serves as a reminder that the norms, standards, and expectations of society are a work in progress, and that it is within our power to make them more humane and compassionate.

Narrator: JM Appleby
