
Pride Leadership : Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Leader to be the King or Queen of their Jungle


Did you know that as a member of the LGBTQ+ Community you possess amazing leadership skills that you may not be capitalizing on?

Now, it’s not to say that our straight brothers and sisters don’t have the potential to be rock star leaders, but—through our shared experiences being LGBTQ+ folks—we’ve had the opportunity to truly develop skills such as leveraging empathy, shaping our culture, being courageous, and being authentic. These skills are some of the most sought-after leadership competencies in the workplace today ... and they’re already inside you, dear LGBTQ+ professional!

In Pride Leadership Dr. Steve Yacovelli draws from his over twenty-five years of experience in the leadership development, change management, and diversity and inclusion consulting space, to identify the six key leadership traits that can greatly increase any LGBTQ+ Leader’s effectiveness.

Whether you’re a seasoned senior executive or a just-starting-out shiny new leader, Pride Leadership is your stop to hone your natural LGBTQ+ leadership awesomeness, gather a few kernels of wisdom to immediately apply in your workplace, and amp up your leadership-self to be just that much better-er.

In short: you’ll be a more effective, impactful, and inclusive leader after reading this book. Oh, and you’ll have a good time learning along the way!

Narrator: Dr Steven Yacovelli