
Ten Golden Rules of Leadership


All great leaders have a personal philosophy: a broad view of the human condition that informs every decision they make and their relationship with the organization and people they lead. Your philosophy is what allows you as a leader to access the kind of deeper, broader insights that result in extraordinary achievements. It is what sets you apart from those who simply "run" companies. To develop and articulate a sound corporate vision--and then follow through on it--you must develop an inner clarity, a ripened personal perspective.

The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership explores thought-provoking ideas from Aristotle, Heraclitus, Sophocles, Hesiod, and other classical thinkers, and introduces essential leadership truths, including:

Live life by a higher code * Do not waste energy on things you cannot change * Understand that character is destiny * Always evaluate information with a critical eye * Never underestimate the power of personal integrity

The book shows you how to apply each i

Narrator: Sean Pratt