"The Black Tulip" is a historical novel and a work of Romantic poetry written by Alexandre Dumas, père, first published in 1850. The story unfolds in 1672 during the time of tulip mania in the Netherlands. Dumas' last major historical novel is a tale of romantic love, jealousy and obsession, interweaving historical events surrounding the brutal murders of two Dutch statesman in 1672 with the phenomenon of tulipomania that gripped seventeenth-century Holland.
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
bookLa Dame pâle
Alexandre Dumas
bookLe Comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
audiobookbookLa Reine Margot
Alexandre Dumas
audiobookbookLe comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
bookLes trois mousquetaires
Alexandre Dumas
audiobookbookLes Trois Mousquetaires - Livre Audio
Alexandre Dumas, Livres audio en français
audiobookLe Comte de Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
audiobookLa Reine Margot
Alexandre Dumas
audiobookbookLe Comte de Monte Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
audiobookLe Comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
bookLes trois mousquetaires
Alexandre Dumas