
The Politically Incorrect Success System


The cancer of “political correctness” has not only helped to form a society of insincere, oversensitive, and under-achieving people-it has deprived individuals from the joy of living authentically and boldly; the life the late Henry David Thoreau called people to live when he implored us to move “confidently in the direction of our own dreams.” Well, living authentically and boldly has never been a problem for Larry Winget. Known as the Pitbull of Personal Development® , Larry is not afraid to “tell it like it is” about what it takes to be successful. And he's also not afraid of “skewering” some of those well-known shibboleths of personal development---like The Law of Attraction and the path of “effortless success” that are peddled by so many motivational speakers. In this program, Larry will take on the “political correctness” that has infected our society, and the personal development industry. And, he'll outline an effective “back to the basics” approach to help YOU be more su

Narrator: Larry Winget