"Und die Menschen blieben zu Hause" wurde im März 2020 geschrieben, inmitten der Corona-Pandemie. Die Autorin veröffentlichte das Gedicht ursprünglich auf ihrer Facebook-Seite, von dort aus verbreitete es sich wie ein Lauffeuer. Ihre hoffnungsfrohe Aussicht auf eine tiefe Heilung der Menschen und der Erde hat weltweit großen Anklang gefunden. In diesem Buch werden ihre bedeutsamen Worte durch eindrucksvolle Illustrationen ergänzt. Daraus entsteht eine optimistische Zukunftsaussicht für die Menschheit, die Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen begeistert.
Und die Menschen blieben zu Hause : (Die Kraft der Kunst in Zeiten der Krise: Geschenkbuch für Erwachsene und Kinder.)
- 57 pages
- 1 book
Kitty O'Meara
Kitty O’Meara lives near Madison, Wisconsin, with her husband, Phillip Hagedorn, their five rescue dogs, two cats, gardens, and books. Formerly a middle school writing and literature teacher and hospital and hospice chaplain, she is currently a spiritual director and has been a lifelong writer and artist. She has been called “the poet laureate of the pandemic” based on her wildly popular, widely circulated, and hopeful poem about the Covid-19 pandemic. That poem is illustrated and presented in book form in the bestselling And the People Stayed Home, published by Tra Publishing. She is also the author of The Rare, Tiny Flower (Tra Publishing, 2021). PRAISE FOR KITTY O’MEARA “Kitty O’Meara is the poet laureate of the pandemic. . . . The poem has become shorthand for a silver-linings perspective during the coronavirus outbreak.”—O, The Oprah Magazine “A communal beacon of hope.”—The Washington Post “She is challenging us to grow—to look inside, to listen deeply, to allow ourselves to think differently, and ultimately, to create new ways of living on the planet.”—Deepak Chopra, MD, author, Metahuman “A stunning and peaceful offering of introspection and hope…”—The Children’s Book Review “O’Meara’s words come to life for future generations to…encourage everyone to find silver linings, think differently and never lose hope.”—B&N Reads “She has given the world a small piece of joy.”—BookTrib
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