Love in Mission City

Stanley I have life figured outā€”a good job, a nice car, and an ex-boyfriend whose heart I broke. But then my half-brother dies unexpectedly, and I go back to our hometown to settle his affairs. A quick trip before Christmas. Instead, I get the shock of my life. Do I face this new challenge or do what Iā€™ve always doneā€”run? Or will I stay and get to know the most amazing man Iā€™ve ever met and take on a responsibility I've never dreamed of facing? This will be a holiday season like no other. Justin Iā€™m a therapist who helps people deal with grief. My life is fulfilling. So what if Iā€™ve been single for years? I have the kids I counsel and co-workers I adore. Maybe Iā€™m tired of going home to an empty house and not looking forward to another Christmas alone. But Iā€™m not going to be taken in by some slick city guy who canā€™t wait to leave town. Iā€™m not going to upend my life just because Iā€™ve met the man of my dreams. Right?