The horny Milf

Series • 1 books

It was this hot summer. The whole July it was already 35 degrees hot during the day. I didn't know what to take off anymore, they had already limited themselves to the most necessary things: Boxer shorts and maybe a T-shirt. My parents wanted to go on holiday despite this extreme heat. But it was too extreme for me, at 35 degrees I didn't want to do this to myself, to drive to a place where it was even hotter.

At the age of 18 I was old enough to go on holiday alone. In this case, old enough to look after the house alone. My parents were quickly convinced and so I had 2 weeks storm-free house. In this case a normal 18 year old would probably celebrate parties, hang out in the swimming pool and meet friends. Only I wasn't a normal 18 year old.

Girls hadn't really interested me so far, though maybe the wrong word is interested, you would have interested me already, only when it came to more than just superficial small talk with girls, I was internally blocked. Over time I had come to terms with it and arranged my life. The available energy and time was invested in my education and my professional career. So I had already designed some homepages and improved my pocket money a lot.

When my parents finally left, I was finally able to expand my homepages all day long and make some new developments without being constantly bothered by my parents. "Why don't you go to the swimming pool? Why don't you meet any friends? Why don't you find a girlfriend? Why don't you go out on weekends?".

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