
Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter: Volume 11


Bad news stuns the southern capital: a church plot has severed contact with the city of water, leaving Allen and Lydia stranded in the middle of enemy territory and a burgeoning civil war. And no aid can reach them while the impregnable Fortress of Seven Towers stands. To help their tutor, Allenā€™s students will need to overcome the greatest defenses that nature and human ingenuity can create without himā€”and theyā€™ll need to work fast. Lynne Leinster, for one, doesnā€™t know if she has it in her. Despite her tough talk, the young noblewoman feels intimidated by her friendsā€™ brilliance. What can she do that they canā€™t do better? Sheā€™ll need to find her answer soon, because this crisis will demand everything that the girls have to give. And all the while, a sinister conspiracy draws nearer to its goal.