David Baldacci's "Simply Lies" is a gripping psychological thriller that pits two formidable women against each other in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. Mickey Gibson, a single mother and former detective from Jersey City, now works remotely for ProEye, a global investigation firm specializing in tracking down the assets of the wealthy. Her life takes a perilous turn when she receives an unusual request from a colleague named Arlene Robinson to inventory the vacant mansion of an alleged arms dealer who defrauded ProEye’s clients.
Upon arriving at the mansion, Mickey stumbles upon a dead body hidden in a secret room. The victim is Harry Langhorne, a man with mob connections who was previously in Witness Protection. To her shock, Mickey discovers that the arms dealer never existed and that no one named Arlene Robinson works at ProEye. Realizing she has been set up, Mickey finds herself a prime suspect in the murder investigation, with her job and reputation on the line.
As the plot thickens, Mickey is drawn into a dangerous confrontation with a nameless, cunning sociopath with a mysterious past and deadly motives. This woman will stop at nothing to achieve her goals, and anyone in her way is at risk. To clear her name and protect her family, Mickey must unravel the true identity of her adversary and understand why she was chosen as a target.
"Simply Lies" is a fast-paced, twist-filled thriller that showcases Baldacci's storytelling prowess. With themes of manipulation, hidden identities, and relentless pursuit, this novel is a must-read from the #1 New York Times bestselling author.
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