In a poignant tale of 1902 North Dakota, Lauraine Snelling-best-selling author of Sophie's Dilemma- explores the silent world of 18-year-old Grace Knutson. Surrounded by her family's love and the townsfolk's kindness, Grace finds all she could want in Blessing-except for a sweetheart. But when God brings a rich New Yorker into her life, Grace fears a deaf girl won't find acceptance in his privileged world.
More than a Dream
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookBelieving the Dream
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookA Dream to Follow
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookBlessing in Disguise
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookTender Mercies
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookThe Reaper’s Song
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookLand of Dreams
Kiersti Giron, Lauraine Snelling
audiobookA Season of Harvest
Kiersti Giron, Lauraine Snelling
audiobookFields of Bounty
Kiersti Giron, Lauraine Snelling
audiobookSaturday Morning
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookThe Way of Women
Lauraine Snelling
audiobookA Time to Bloom
Kiersti Giron, Lauraine Snelling