Dear Big Sister friend, If you are waiting for the birth of your younger sister, or you have a younger sister and you want to know how to deal with it, this book is for you... When the mother says: The little sister is a precious gift, she means it is a gift for YOU... not a gift to give to your friend at the earliest birthday party ... My advice is: Bear your little sister from birth until she becomes a cute lady, because then, you will be forced to bear her for the rest of your life, and forever... Your little sister will wear your clothes and shoes, play with your toys, rip your magazines and books, lose your tools, pens, and books... But you will forget it all when you look at your photo together while she embraces your waist smiling in cuteness. Or, when you wake up at night, finding her sleeping right next to you, and will often hug you with one of her limbs... Do not be surprised when you wake up in one morning finding her toes in your mouth.
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