
Could it be an Allergy? A Comprehensive Guide to Allergic Symptoms : Finding a Way to a Healthy and Symptom-Free Future


'Could it be an allergy?' is one of the questions people most commonly ask their doctors. With an increasing variety of symptoms being attributed to allergies, the question is becoming more and more frequent and important. What can sufferers and carers do if they suspect an allergy?

Dr Joe FitzGibbon's Could it be an Allergy? is a comprehensive guide to allergic symptoms. He discusses their complexities and confirms that it is possible to get to the root cause of many of them, and so find a way to a healthy and often symptom-free future.

Could it be an Allergy? is written for the layperson by a leading specialist in the field. Carefully laid out, each section includes case histories, questions and answers on the particular allergy, and advice on what to look out for and how to address it. A directory of support and help groups throughout Ireland and Britain is also included.

Could it be an Allergy?: Table of Contents


Section 1. What is an Allergy?

- The Range of Allergic Symptoms

- The Range of Allergic Reactions

Section 2. Common Allergic Problems

- I. Allergy and the Skin: Eczema

II. Allergy and the Skin: Contact Allergic Dermatitis

III. Allergy and the Skin: Hives and Swellings

- Allergy in the Nose and Sinuses

- Allergy and the Chest: Asthma

- Allergy and the Eyes: Allergic Conjunctivitis and Related Disorders

- Allergy and the Mouth

- Allergy on the Job

Section 3. Fatal and Near-Fatal Allergy

- Anaphylaxis

Section 4. Food Intolerance

- Allergy or Intolerance: What's the Difference?

- Allergy and the Gut

- I. Allergy and the Brain: Hyperactivity

II. Allergy and the Brian: Migraine and Other Headaches

III. Allergy and the Brain: Fatigue

- Allergy and Rheumatism

Section 5. Associated Topics

- The Truth about Candida

- Chemical Sensitivity

- Allergy and the Psyche

Section 6. Allergy Tests and Treatments

- Making Sense of Allergy Tests

- The Effective Treatment of Allergy

Appendix 1: A Word About House Dust Mites

Appendix 2: Useful Addresses

Appendix 3: Bibliography