
Grafted Into Love : Parenting, Family, and the Destiny of Life


This book is based upon Ted and Bonnie Hanson’s experience in raising three children who know God’s love and have embraced key values in being givers of life to their world. Training a child is not about teaching them rules to live by. It is about connecting them to God’s heart. Hearing God in their hearts is more important than simply knowing rules by which to be good.

In this book Ted shares key principles for parenting. Though the methods of implantation of the principles presented in this book have taken on new and even further expressions in the families of his children, the fruit is the same. The testimony of their family is one of clear identity, obvious testimony, and lives filled with purpose in who they are and what they are doing. Though his family has faced challenges, like all families, their children and their children’s children are happy, loving, and purposed in their focus of life.

Parental discipline is not a matter of some law; it is a testimony of the true boundaries of life. Jesus commissioned us to disciple nations, how much more are we called to disciple our own children. We must put them under the influence of the love of God, for it is the love of God that empowers their hearts and minds to be all that they are meant to be in life.

The things presented in this book are not just keys to being parents, but also keys in our own relationship with God and our ability to be little children who know God loves us, overcoming sons and daughter who can reign in life, and dad and moms who live to give life to their world.

Narrator: Ted J. Hanson
