
How To Write Comic Strips : A Quick Guide on Writing Funny Gags and Comic Strip Panels


How to Write Comic Strips is a step-by-step guide to show aspiring comic strip writers how to create their own comic. It leads the listener through the wondrous world of comic writing.

The concept of humor and what is funny is different for different people. The author shows the listener how to deal and cope with these differences.

Highlights include:

The many formats to choose from when writing a comic: single panel, multi-panel How find your concept: write what you know How to develop and build great characters: bios, backstory, and more Ways to write funny yet tight gags: how many passes to make, refining your words Ways to break out of writer's block: fun exercises and routines How to find and communicate with your artist: learn how to become a team Marketplaces for your comic: how to find a home for your creation New ways to sell and make money from comics: expanding and new markets that will make you money Helpful tips: tricks learned after decades in the trade HowExpert publishes quick 'how to' guides on all topics from A to Z by everyday experts.

Narrator: Matyas J.