Hier überleben nur die Krassen und niemand ist krasser als Bram und seine Begleiterin Wiesel. Sie leben im Untergrund, stehlen, vögeln, feiern und prügeln sich - und trotzdem sind sie die Helden – es muss so sein, sie tragen schließlich Umhänge.
Rogues!, Band 1 - Der Fluch des Huhns
- 244 pages
- 2 books
El Torres
El Torres is one of the most prolific Spanish writers of recent years. His work has been published in several countries, most recently in the US by Image Comics, IDW, and by his own company, Amigo Comics. His success with horror comics, such as The Veil, The Forest of Suicides, and Nancy in Hell, has earned him the label of "Master of Terror." He is also the creator of Bribones and The Ghost of GaudÃ, for which he received the Best Writer Award at the Madrid Comic Fair 2015 and the prize for Best National Work at the Barcelona Comic Fair 2016. In 2017, he received the award for Best National Writer at the Heroes Comic Con Madrid. He lives in Málaga, Spain.
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