
Skyseeker's Princess : Escape does not spell freedom


(The Prairies Book Review *****) "Original and creative ā€¦ a compelling story... a celebration of feminine power... this story will stay with readers long after the final page."

What happens when your lifeā€™s training is about ā€œdutyā€ and then the very foundations of your life are taken away?

Ellenā€™s courageous, impetuous, a dreamer, and not very ambitious. Her father, Siā€™Empraā€™s elected ruler, dies and her brother takes his place. Heā€™s brutal and abusive. She escapes from him into the mountains, determined to find another life for herself. But it only takes a few weeks to discover thereā€™s no such thing as freedom for her. Sheā€™s tightly bound to the symbiotic relationships that keep Siā€™Empra from disappearing. Sheā€™s young. She thinks fixing at least one problem will help ā€“ a bit. Instead, she plunges Siā€™Empra and herself into a dark downward spiral, which only she can put to rights ā€¦ or can she?

Narrator: Ruth Redman