
Top Secrets for Cellists : An Organized Method of String Playing


"Handbook and guide" 
for Cellists and all other String Players

Brilliant technical and musical concepts and methods by Janos Starker, the world-famous cellist and teacher

Suitable for all levels: Students, Chamber Musicians, Orchestral Musicians as well as Soloists

A true inspiration!

(Repository: The World of Music according to Starker, Indiana University Press 2004, ISBN 0-253-34452-2, © 2004 Janos Starker)


»Handbuch und Ratgeber« 
fĂŒr Cellisten und alle anderen Streicher

Hilfreiche technische und musikalische Anregungen des weltberĂŒhmten Cellisten und PĂ€dagogen Janos Starker

FĂŒr alle Fortschrittsstufen geeignet: SchĂŒler, Kammermusiker, Orchestermusiker und Solisten

Inspiration erster GĂŒte!

(Quelle: The World of Music according to Starker Indiana University Press 2004, ISBN 0-253-34452-2 © 2004 Janos Starker)