This is a powerful working tool for practicing magicians. Daniel Updike shares from his 30+ years of experience in the arcane, unveiling the principles BEHIND the magick that can help the reader become effective in lasting power NO MATTER what system (if any) the practitioner chooses to utilize. Daniel shares from both the perspective of a "pagan" sorcerer with a lifelong relationship with the Norse Runes, and as a Ceremonial Magician, who has worked as a conjurer in traditional and non-traditional modalities. The exercises and teaching within this book open the doors to a level of understanding that is rarely breached in occult circles, as most are concerned only with their own "systems" of operation. The value of magickal systems is NOT under-rated but is shown in conjunction with the psychological principles that make these systems work--a "hack" into the arcane mind! A magician, a "master level" hypnotist and one with both religious AND non-religious concepts of the arcane make this work by Daniel Updike a worthwhile addition to any occultist's library--ESPECIALLY if they are more than arm-chair theorists, and enjoy the thrill of ACTION oriented practice with powerful results.
Transcendent Keys to Power