Public Talks 1. Complete freedom from thought - 9 September 1972 Duration: 76 minutes • Learning is instant perception and action. What place has thought in learning? • To learn about freedom must thought be completely silent? Does insight into freedom take time? • Can thinking, however rational, bring about a psychological revolution in us? • Is thought always conditioned? Is freedom the non-existence of thought? • My very being is related to thought. If you want to see something new, what do you do? • To have insight, let go of the old and listen. • Learning is not memorizing. • Q: Is feeling another way of thinking? • Q: Isn't the need to love and be loved essential? • Needing love is love of self 2. If I don't change now what will the future be? - 10 September 1972 Duration: 86 minutes • Is thought responsible for fragmentation? • Does fragmentation have its own activity? • What is the energy that perceives the total and doesn't live in fragmentation? • Does comparison bring about fear and pleasure? • Is thought seeking security in belief and dogma? • Can the mind learn instantly all the content of the unconscious in which there are deep, secret fears? • Does analysis imply time and division? Is consciousness separate from its content? • To get at the root of fear means learning about not being. • Q: What about guilt? 3. If freedom is responsibility, how do I act? - 16 September 1972 Duration: 78 minutes • Q: What is the action that will be a total response to the world around us? • Can one respond totally without learning about love and death in relation to daily life? • Do we live, or do we tolerate living? • Do we live according to ideas and conclusions based on belief, dogma and memory? • Is there an action which dissipates all images? • Is love relationship in which there is no image? Is disorder relationship in which there is the image? • Can a mind seeking comfort learn about death? • Find out whether death is something to be avoided or to be lived with naturally. • Can the mind free itself from the known? • Q: What relationship has literature, beauty and art to our daily life? • Q: Were you conditioned by the Masters? • Q: Can one help someone in distress? 4. To come upon the new, thought must be quiet - 17 September 1972 Duration: 66 minutes • If one is serious, one must learn for oneself if there is such a thing as the im measurable. • Thought cannot find the immeasurable because thought is measurement and time. • Can thought, realizing its limitations, be quiet? • Can the mind without effort see its content clearly, and the limitation, lack of space and time-binding quality of its consciousness? • When you say, 'I do not know,' does the content have importance? • There are various systems of meditation, gadgets, yoga, to make the mind quiet. These are unimportant. • Is truth the very perception of the false? • When the mind has perceived the truth of something, what is time? • Is there a different dimension which thought cannot touch? Public Discussion 5. You can learn only if you do not know - 12 September 1972 Duration: 90 minutes • Q: Does learning require thinking, or only awareness? • To be aware is to be conscious, to be in relationship with what you observe outwardly and also our inward reactions. • Awareness reveals that I have a conclusion from which I act, which prevents the free flow of energy. • You see that you have many opinions and conclusions. You don't know why you have them or how to be free of them. Start with not knowing. • Knowledge is in the past whilst learning is vital, in the present. • In learning, which is a constant movement, can opinion and conclusion ever be formed? • Can thought be slowed down naturally? In learning about the function of thought, slowing down takes place without control or effort.
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