Austen's Pride and Prejudice has been adapted, transformed and translated into numerous languages. Thus the classic today constitutes an international, transcultural, transmedial and iconic phenomenon of pop culture that transcends genre boundaries as easily as centuries. The vitality of the book at the crossroads of the literary canon and pop culture is analysed by contributions focusing on its translations, Bollywood adaptations, iconic TV versions or vlog adaptations, on erotic rewritings or generic transformations into Chick-Lit, crime fiction or the Gothic mode, on teaching contexts or on a diachronic analysis of its illustrations. Complemented by a compilation of student essays, this volume affirms and celebrates Pride and Prejudice being perhaps more alive than ever before.
Who's afraid of…? : Facets of Fear in Anglophone Literature and Film
bookDarkness Subverted : Aboriginal Gothic in Black Australian Literature and Film
Katrin Althans
bookThe Pleasures and Horrors of Eating : The Cultural History of Eating in Anglophone Literature
bookGendered (Re)Visions : Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media
bookPride and Prejudice 2.0 : Interpretations, Adaptations and Transformations of Jane Austen's Classic
Hanne Birk, Marion Gymnich
bookRoots in the Air : Construction of Identity in Anglophone Israeli Literature
Nadezda Rumjanceva, Nadežda Rumjanceva
bookExploited, Empowered, Ephemeral : (Re-)Constructions of Childhood in Neo-Victorian Fiction
Denise Burkhard