
Alone in West Africa

Livre numérique

A Spring Day—The Sky—The Mountains—The Streams—The Woods—The Open Fields—Domestic Animals—Poetry—The Poultry-yard

A corn-planting Bee

Lake Horicon—Sketches of its scenery—Information for anglers—Sabbath-day Point—War memories—The Turret City—Death of a deer—Roger's Slide—Diamond Island—The snake-charmer—Snake stories—Night on the Horicon

The Scaroon Country—Scaroon Lake—Pike Fishing by Torch-light—Trout Fishing—Lyndsey's Tavern—Paradox Lake

The Adirondac Mountains—Trout Fishing in the Boreas River—A night in the woods—Moose Lake—Lake Delia—Mount Tahawas—Lakes Sanford and Henderson—The McIntyre Iron Works

John Cheney, the Adirondac hunter, and some of his exploits

Burlington—Lake Champlain—Distinguished Men

Stage-coach—The Winooski—The Green Mountains—The ruined Dwelling—The White Mountains—The Flume—A deep Pool—The Old Man of the Mountain—The Basin—Franconia Notch—View of the Mountains—Mount Washington—The Notch Valley



A sail down the St. Lawrence—Sword-Fish—Chasing a Whale

The Saguenay River—Chicoutimi—Storm Picture—Hudson's Bay Company—Eminent Merchant—The Mountaineer Indians—Tadousac—Ruin of a Jesuit Establishment

The Salmon—Salmon Adventures

Seal-hunting on the St. Lawrence—The white Porpoise

The Esquimaux Indians of Labrador

The Habitans of Canada

The Grand Portage into New Brunswick—Lake Timiscouta—The Madawaska River

The Acadians

Sail down the Madawaska—The Falls of the St. John

The Hermit of Aroostook

The River St. John

The Penobscot River

Moosehead Lake—The River Kennebeck

A Fishing Party on the Thames—Watch Hill—Night Adventures

A week in a Fishing Smack—Fisherman—A beautiful morning at sea—A day at Nantucket—Wreck of a ship—Night on the Sound