
An English Murder

Livre numérique

Cyril Hare's 'An English Murder' is a classic example of a cozy British mystery, set in the bucolic English countryside. Hare's rich prose and attention to detail immerse the reader in a world where nothing is as it seems, and everyone has something to hide. The novel is filled with subtle clues and red herrings, keeping the reader guessing until the final pages. Hare expertly weaves together elements of suspense and humor, creating a truly engaging read for fans of the genre. 'An English Murder' is a perfect example of the Golden Age of detective fiction, capturing the essence of the time period with its intricate plotting and clever characterizations. It is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good old-fashioned whodunit. With its intricate plotting and clever characterizations, 'An English Murder' showcases Cyril Hare's mastery of the genre and solidifies his place as a master of mystery writing. This novel is sure to captivate readers from beginning to end.