Distinguished for his unique hooked tail, slightly wavy coat and facial furnishings, the bearded Briard is an intelligent, lively herding dog whose versatility and trainability widely recommend him as a companion and watchdog. Known in his native France as Le Berger de Brie, the Briard is a rugged livestock guardian who is as devoted and fearless as he is substantial and imposing. For the right family, the Briard promises to be a responsive, gentle companion who will always be "a dog at heart," as the American Kennel Club standard phrases it. Written by cynologist and artist Dr. Desiree Scott, this Special Limited Edition presents an enlightening view of the breed's origins in continental Europe and its spread to England and America. The author's insightful look at the breed's uses, character and physical traits make for fascinating reading, as does the presentation and analysis of the breed standard. From the finding of a breeder and selection of a puppy to the rearing and raising of the puppy, this book is an excellent starting point for new owners. Further, the book details the housebreaking and obedience training necessary and discusses feeding, grooming, showing and much more. In a well-illustrated chapter on canine healthcare, Dr. Lowell Ackerman, a popular veterinary and media personality, updates readers on the latest in veterinary care, including vaccinations, parasite control, infectious diseases and other topics vital to the ongoing health of a pure-bred dog.
Auteur(e) :
Format :
Durée :
- 157 pages
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