
Chat Wid Mi: : An audio Introduction to PATWA!

Livre audio

Linguistically speaking, Jamaican Creole, commonly known as Patwa is phonetically and grammatically similar to many other languages born out of the hardships of slavery. However culturally, it can be argued that there has been no other Creole with a far greater reach and impact. Jamaican Creole has reached the very depths of places like Canada, The UK, and of course the United States. And has been changing the way the inhabitants of these places communicate for decades. The purpose of this learning aid is to give you 1) A few new words and phrases to have under your belt for your own integration into your language no matter the country you are, 2) Categories under which these words and phrases are often times used. And 3) Ideas and examples of how Jamaican words and phrases can, and have made their way into the English language.. What you will hear in this short audiobook is a combination of mock conversations, phrases and their translation and much more. Like any and all languages, Creole is extremely versatile and fluid. So I encourage you to have fun with the language, and most importantly gain your own respect and appreciation for its use. Thank you, and enjoy.

Narration : Rick Nickson
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