
Constructive Finance : Insight into the world of Australian Construction Finance

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A must-read for everyone and anyone in the property industry.

Every property developer can master their construction finances with this ultimate handbook.

Property developers want to improve the profitability of their construction projects. But when it comes to construction finance options, they are left with so many questions that need answering. Constructive Finance seeks to remove the mystique of construction finance, making it accessible to everyone. Financing options are explained with real-life examples, plus tips and resources that could make your next project even more successful. The book goes through the following:

Property Development Business Models Project Finance Process Types of Funding Loan Exit Strategy (Sales and Marketing) Joint Venture and Acquisition Strategies Suitable Capital Model and Infinite Returns Construction Myths and Wive's Tales Lesson and Observations The Lingo Tools and Checklist Dan Holden is the Principal of HoldenCAPITAL, which was founded in 2011, The business is Queensland’s largest and most respected Construction Finance specialists, which was named Australia’s No1 Commercial Broker of the Year in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Narration : DK Wilkninson

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