
Creating Your World By Ryan S. Harvey

Livre audio

In This book you will learn how to turn depression around. How to gain more control of your life. How to bounce back. How to take that lesson and use it for your gain. This book if you use daily will change your life. I felt the depression, the betrayal, the helplessness, the anger. I had to face and own it all. What came from that is how I created the world your about to read. What are you waiting for? The world you’ve always wanted is waiting on you to create it.

This book gives the power back to you. If you can finally decide what you want. What you want your world to look like, just maybe you can get it. The question is are you willing to do what it takes? All the greatest people through time have all made a commitment to producing their world. No matter what the world gives them, they stay committed to the world they choose to create.

God is great, but so are you.

Ryan S Harvey