
Dealing with Covid 19': Pandemic of the World

Livre audio

So where in the World did this virus come from?

So where in the World did this virus come from and how did it start and when did it start? These are just some of the questions that are puzzling the Human species as we breath the worried breath today! Well as you turn on your television or open the newspaper, get on the Web or just simply talk to your neighbor more than likely, you’re going to hear, read or talk to someone about this Pandemic that puts the World on high alert, the virus called – Coronavirus/Covid19, a name that everyone is aware of today. But still no-one knows the absolute truth about this virus and may not ever know all there is to know about it either! I’m no Doctor nor Scientist but I done my research on this Pandemic and dug up answers that may be to some of your questions, so here goes my discoveries to “Dealing with the Covid19” (Pandemic of the World).