"Godfrey Morgan: A Californian Mystery", also published as "School for Crusoes", is an 1882 adventure novel by French writer Jules Verne. It tells of a young adventurer, Godfrey Morgan, and his deportment instructor, Professor T. Artelett, who embark on a round-the-world ocean voyage. Their ship is wrecked and they are cast away on a remote island, where they rescue and befriend an African slave, Carefinotu.
1792 - Op weg naar Frankrijk
Jules Verne
bookDe kinderen van kapitein Grant - Stille Zuidzee
Jules Verne
bookDe familie zonder naam - De opstand van 1837
Jules Verne
bookReizen en lotgevallen van kapitein Hatteras - De Engelsen op de Noordpool
Jules Verne
bookVingt mille Lieues Sous Les Mers
Jules Verne
bookVoyage au centre de la Terre
Jules Verne
audiobookbookEen leerschool voor Robinsons
Jules Verne
bookvingt-mille lieues sous les mers (version2)
Jules Verne
audiobookVoyage au Centre de la Terre
Jules Verne
bookVingt mille lieues sous les mers
Jules Verne
audiobookbookJules Verne: The Collection (20.000 Leagues Under the Sea, Journey to the Interior of the Earth, Around the World in 80 Days, The Mysterious Island...)
Jules Verne
bookTwenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne