
In God We Trust : Morally Responsible Investing

Livre audio

This book is both timely and timeless.

In God We Trust delves deeply into current economic and market developments and reflects on how U.S. prosperity has returned in 2018, as capitalism has again been unleashed. The author says, "What a relief after eight years of economic stagnation and government over-regulation." Oddly, as the U.S. economy has benefited from pro-growth policies, like tax rate cuts and deregulation, there exists a rising tide of sympathy for socialism among leftist politicians and young people.

This timeless divide between capitalism and socialism is explored within the context of the economic and moral ramifications for society in general and long-term investors, specifically.

Readers with historical perspective will appreciate the logic of what should be obvious, i.e. that socialism has never worked anywhere on earth. Or aptly put by President Ronald Reagan, "Socialism can only work in two places, heaven where they don't need it, and hell where they already have it."

Narration : Doug Tooke
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