
Jubal Troop

Livre numérique

A panoramic super-adventure western tale of the early west, 1885, with Jubal Troop as the focus, one of those indefatigable hard-loving and hard fighting men, not without a certain raw power. North Dakota, Montana, Texas—cattlehand, rancher, rawhider, miner, trader—and finally, after another interval as rancher, success when oil is discovered on his ranch in Oklahoma. Then the down-grade, and a succession of misadventures. Through it all, the romance with Naoma, with whom he is finally reunited. Picaresque adventure, with a certain lusty hard-hitting verve.

It was described in HOOF & HORNS magazine as "Paul Wellman's masterpiece...All the drama of the West has been crammed into these (560) pages--all the dreams & strivings, most of the lusts and brutalities. A vigorous, robust, truly great story...epic in scope and sweep...TERRIFIC!" --a good meaty story and a keepsake...Perhaps if we ran our country and our towns as they did then, the world would be a better, safer place?? Happy Trails!