
Ketogenic Diet Cookbook

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Ketogenic diet is a dietary therapy that is based on high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It is a powerful metabolic tool that helps your body switch from burning sugar (carbohydrate) to burning fat. Greater carb intake results in rising blood sugar and insulin, a pancreatic hormone that manages blood sugar. Going keto replaces dietary carb with fat and protein. Over time, your cells switch metabolic pathways, and burn stored and dietary fat as a primary energy source instead of sugar. As more fat is burned, some of it is converted into ketone bodies. As blood glucose and insulin levels fall, and ketone levels rise, your muscles (skeletal and heart), use the fats in the bloodstream as fuel, while your brain uses the ketones. The result is more energy, clearer thinking and better health.

Intense research has shown that ketogenic diet can perform the following;

To fight cancer, treat and reverse all kind of Insulin Resistance,

Treat or reverses all kind of Heart disease

Treatment of Autism

It slows the progression of Neurological disorders such as ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease

It can improve metabolic energy disorders such as pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency (PDHC), glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT1) deficiency

It improves glycogen storage diseases such as McArdle disease,

It improves a range of mitochondrial myopathies.

It slows down the progression of the aging rate in human

It gives a relief on Acid Reflux/GERD (heartburn)

This Ketogenic Diet cookbook has been specially designed to help you attain Ketosis in no time just to attain a healthier and diseases free lifestyle. It contains 100 simple and delicious recipes and a step by step guide on how to prepare them.