Èlie-Petrovitch Pravdine, capitaine-lieutenant sur la frégate russe l'Espérance, a une passion exclusive pour la mer, son bateau et ses hommes. Il fait la connaissance d'une très belle femme, la princesse Flora qui va faire naître chez lui un amour irraisonné...
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
bookLe comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
bookThe Man in the Iron Mask : The Mystery of the Masked Prisoner and the Fate of a Kingdom
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookThe Three Musketeers : A Timeless Tale of Honor, Intrigue, and Adventure
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookTen Years Later
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookThe Count of Monte Cristo : A Timeless Tale of Betrayal and Revenge
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookTwenty Years After : An Epic Sequel to The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge Books
bookThe Vicomte de Bragelonne : A Gripping Tale of Loyalty, Love and Betrayal
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge Books
bookThe Three Musketeers : A Timeless Tale of Adventure, Friendship, and Heroism
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge
bookTen Years Later : A Riveting Sequel of Intrigue, Passion, and Power
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge
bookThe Man in the Iron Mask : A Riveting Tale of Mystery, Loyalty, and Betrayal
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge
bookThe Count of Monte Cristo : A Timeless Tale of Revenge, Redemption, and Adventure
Alexandre Dumas