
Monster Punk Horizon : A Monster Hunting GameLit Adventure

Livre audio

WANTED: Monster Hunters. Practical armor optional.

Pix just wants to hunt monsters, craft armor, and pay off her college loans.

Her partner Jaz does, too. She just wants to pet the monsters more. While wearing impractical hot pants armor. And wielding a sword so massive she needs magic gems to carry it.

Their skill levels? Slightly above noob. But when a colossal new monster falls through the portals in the Dazzling Skies, they’ll have to raise their game.

The Screecher is a half-dragon, half-bug monstrosity bent on one thing only: to devour everything on the Monstrous Continent. If it lives, their home dies.

And Pix and Jaz might be the only ones who can save it. After all, Jaz is best friends with the legendary Harlequin Mantis, and what better way to fight a giant monster enemy … than with a giant monster friend?

Will Pix, Jaz, and Harly defeat The Screecher, or will it be Game Over for the Monstrous Continent?

About the Series: Monster Punk Horizon is an action-packed fantasy adventure comedy for fans of tabletop role playing games, Pokémon, Digimon, Monster Hunter, and all things monster hunting, taming, and collecting.

Narration : Tess Irondale
Durée :