
Showing Superpower : The Real Estate Agent’s Guide to Creating Bespoke Property Presentations, Faster Commissions, and Lifelong Clients

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In an industry being threatened by technology, the real estate agent with masterful showing skills will win every time. Close more deals and earn more commissions—faster! There are lots of great books out there on marketing and lead generation, but Showing SuperPower focuses on one supremely important aspect of every transaction in the real estate business: showing properties. Whether you’re working an open house or personally showing a property to a buyer - whether in-person or virtually - the personalized showing is a game-changer.

If it goes well, there will be an offer. If not, well, nothing happens. No offer, no agreement, no sales contract—and no commission.

In this audiobook, you will learn:

How to shorten the sales cycle and help more people find their ideal home Proven techniques to engage buyers’ senses when you are showing a home Exactly what to say, where to stand, what to touch, and what to listen for Above all, you will learn how to help your prospects “mentally move-in” to their new home.

Narration : Roseann Galvan

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