Here is a perfect book for airplane and armchair travelers; an alternative view of airlines, flying and destinations. Many people fly around the world from meeting to meeting, soaking up wine and the attention of airline stewards and stewardesses, clocking up free mileage, and working out tax breaks or how to sock away their travel allowances. But, as these stories about 1990s travel show, there is much to be learned along the way, from the airline wine tasters' ramblings, to the mystery of brown dogs in Dutch 17th century paintings, to the bus terminals beneath Rome's Augustine Gate, and possibly the real story behind the last tango in Paris.
The Fart of a Fly
Jay Maclean, Batuto López Garcete
bookWith the rise of the wind
Jay Maclean
bookElectric Angels and Pink Bikies
Jay Maclean
bookCoach Class to the Americas
Jay Maclean
bookBlack Pearls and Red Tide
Jay Maclean
bookFound, Lost, Paved and Sunk
Jay Maclean
bookCrying Trees, Killer Fish and Rental Corpses
Jay Maclean
bookMostly in Economy Class
Jay Maclean
bookThe Conquest of Europe by the Pacific Empire
Jay Maclean