The Forty Five Guardsmen Alexandre Dumas - A true sequel to "La Dame de Monsoreau." It concerns the revenge of Diane de Méridor upon the Duc d'Anjou for his base betrayal of Bussy d'Amboise. Historically it commences with the execution of Salcède and the arrival of the Forty-Five at Paris, and deals with the Guise intrigues, the campaign of Anjou in Flanders and his death. Period 1584-85.Maquet was again the collaborator. During the fête held at Villers-Cotterets in 1902 the original MS. of this romance was exhibited, half being in the hand of Dumas père, and the remainder, the latter moiety, in that of his son, with a note signed by this latter to the effect that his father, being confined to his bed by sickness, had dictated it to the younger man. Yet in face of this it has been repeatedly affirmed that Maquet finished it alone.
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
bookLe comte de Monte-Cristo
Alexandre Dumas
bookThe Man in the Iron Mask : The Mystery of the Masked Prisoner and the Fate of a Kingdom
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookThe Three Musketeers : A Timeless Tale of Honor, Intrigue, and Adventure
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookTen Years Later
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookThe Count of Monte Cristo : A Timeless Tale of Betrayal and Revenge
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Crescent Moon Press
bookTwenty Years After : An Epic Sequel to The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge Books
bookThe Vicomte de Bragelonne : A Gripping Tale of Loyalty, Love and Betrayal
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge Books
bookThe Man in the Iron Mask : A Riveting Tale of Mystery, Loyalty, and Betrayal
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge
bookThe Three Musketeers : A Timeless Tale of Adventure, Friendship, and Heroism
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge
bookTen Years Later : A Riveting Sequel of Intrigue, Passion, and Power
Alexandre Dumas, Zenith Blue Ridge
bookThe Count of Monte Cristo : A Timeless Tale of Revenge, Redemption, and Adventure
Alexandre Dumas