
The Get to the Point! Guide to Overcoming Anxiety

Livre audio


When a panic attack strikes out of the blue, it can be among the most terrifying experiences of an anxiety sufferer's life, causing one to feel more helpless and alone than nearly anything else in life.

Yet anxiety is far from uncommon: anxiety disorders are by far the most common mental condition today, with one in six people affected at any given moment.

And if you think you can simply 'tough it out' without suffering long term problems, think again: when left untreated, anxiety leads to a number of debilitating health problems including elevated risk of heart attack—and worse, anxious tendencies often only increase with age.

Fortunately, there's no need to live in fear any longer: relief for your anxiety may be closer than you think.

With The Get to the Point! Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, you can learn how to start alleviating the symptoms of anxiety today and avoid future outbreaks, letting you move forward with the knowledge that when anxiety strikes, you can control it easily without the risk of embarrassment or panic attack hanging over your head.

Don't let needless fear and anxiety control or limit you one minute longer— start listening to The Get to the Point! Guide to Overcoming Anxiety now and start living your life free of anxiety today!