
The Greatest Ponzi Scheme on Earth : How the US Can Avoid Economic Collapse

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In The Greatest Ponzi Scheme on Earth, economist Dan Mitchell and entrepreneur Les Rubin give an in-depth look at how the US is headed toward a fiscal collapse if we do not course-correct and get government spending under control.

Is the United States government running a Ponzi scheme?

We have a massive federal debt because there is too much spending in Washington. Rather than try to solve our fiscal problems, however, politicians think the answer is to borrow more money. Sounds like a Ponzi scheme to us.

In The Greatest Ponzi Scheme on Earth, economist Dan Mitchell and entrepreneur Les Rubin make the case that we, the American public, are being swindled by a federal government whose never-ending, out-of-control cycle of wasteful spending is putting our economic stability in grave peril. For the sake of our children’s children and the future of our country, it is time for us to pull in the reins and end the spend.

What would happen if the world’s greatest economic powerhouse went bankrupt?

Through real-world examples from home and abroad, Mitchell and Rubin take us on a crash course in economics, history, fiscal reality, and (most importantly) tried-and-true solutions. How do we fix Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid? What kind of tax burden can the economy bear and still thrive? And what can I do about it? These questions should be on the mind of every American—and they are the beating heart of this book.

Learn economics, get mad, and vote for fiscal responsibility. If you’re looking for a place to start, look no further. The important thing is that you start now. Your children’s children depend on it.