
The Hand Book : Behold. Take Hold. Be Held.

Livre audio

How you perceive God's hand towards you can be the deciding factor on whether you see Him as a mildly interested, passive-aggressive being; a cosmic superpower that is so distant and uninvolved in your life you could never be close to Him; a cruel, cold judge ready to bop you over the head with a lightning bolt the moment you screw up; or perhaps, an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving Creator who is a Father at heart—one who reaches down to outcasts and desires to comfort, heal, restore, and empower. He’s an ever-pursuing, ever-giving, ever-reaching God who knows you, loves you, and actually wants you! He doesn’t see you as replaceable, He sees you as embraceable. You need to see yourself this way too!Could it be that when He extends His righteous right hand towards us, He’s not just rescuing us, He’s initiating something deeply beautiful? We can behold His hand and take hold of all He has for us! We can experience His character, His glory, His might, His power, and ultimately lock eyes with His eyes of fire. Once one truly catches His gaze, the game is over for compromise, complacency, and the bored fog that has hovered over the minds of this generation, lulling us into a sleepy stupor of powerless living. Will you dare to take hold?