
The Ultimate Cryptocurrency Guide: Master Blockchain technology guide to deep learning everything about Bitcoin, Ethereum, the Facebook Coin Libra, Litecoin and smart contracts

Livre audio

Start Investing in Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Bitcoin - and Make Money Consistently! Most people think that cryptocurrency is shady, complicated, and unstable.

Bitcoin, they say, is only a trend used by drug addicts, terrorists, and weird internet geeks. It’s too volatile, too risky, and too hard to understand.

Those beliefs cause people to miss the most important business opportunity of the 21st century - an opportunity that will probably appear only once in the history of humankind- an opportunity that has the potential to turn $5 - into $70 million - an opportunity to invest in the future of money itself.

Investing in bitcoin, and investing the time to understand it, will result in massive benefits for you - and that’s exactly what this audiobook is about!

In “The Ultimate Cryptocurrency Guide”, you will learn how to invest in cryptocurrency, trade cryptocurrency - and even mine cryptocurrency for profits!

Not only you’ll learn the fundamentals of cyptocurrency, blockchain, and bitcoin - but you’ll also learn how to turn this knowledge into profit!

Here are just a few of the things covered in the book: The basics of bitcoin - start from the beginning and get the full picture of cryptocurrency and the future of digital money Storing bitcoin - learn how to mine bitcoin on your computer and actually get paid for it, no matter what happens in the market Etherum - discover a cheaper alternative to bitcoin to keep your expenses low Learn how to use an e-wallet and store your profits safely online Even if you have 0 experience in trading, investing, or cryptocurrency - this book will take you by the hand, explain everything you need to know, and turn you into a wise investor.

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