
The War of the Keys: The History and Legacy of the Military Conflict Between the Holy Roman Empire and the Vatican

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It has been famously pointed out that the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, but it was also not an empire in the sense people expect when hearing the term. In theory, the emperor was the highest prince in Christendom, and his dominion extended the length and breadth of Western Europe. The empire had been created by the papacy when Pope Leo III famously crowned the supposedly unwitting Charlemagne in Saint Peter’s Basilica, intending to recreate the Western Roman Empire. In truth, the imperial power did not extend beyond central Europe, which by the beginning of the 16th century included Germany, northern Italy, and the Netherlands. Even in these lands, however, the emperor struggled to command obedience. His dominion over northern Italy was theoretical only, the cities of the Netherlands were deeply conscious of their ancient rights and privileges, and Germany had long ceased to be compliant. The latter had become a collection of principalities, dukedoms and bishoprics which vied with each other and pursued their own agendas. They were, however, united in only one sense: denying the emperor power and resisting attempts to centralize the government.

The clergy occupied a privileged place in medieval society. Europe had inherited Christianity from the Roman Empire, and the concept of a united Christendom and empire were practically synonymous. Indeed, there was no real consciousness of the Roman Empire ever having ended. After the Western Roman Empire collapsed in the late 5th century, the Germanic rulers of Western Europe continued to recognize the Eastern Emperor in Constantinople until Charlemagne, and after the dissolution of the Frankish Empire, the imperial seat was transferred to Otto I, King of East Francia in modern Germany.

By the late 10th century, however, the emperor’s reach was rarely felt beyond Germany and northern Italy, and the question of who was supposed to be the imperial head was unresolved.

Narration : Bill Caufield
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