The evil Unseleighe Sidhe will do anything to prevent the rise to the throne of a red-haired child destined to ascend the throne and usher in a golden age of art, music, and literature, while the good Sidhe of Elhame Avalon race against time to find the child, protect her from the dangers of the human and elven worlds, and ensure that she will become Queen Elizabeth I of England.
Elemental Masters - Miss Amelia's List
Mercedes Lackey
Mercedes Lackey
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookFounding of Valdemar - Valdemar
Mercedes Lackey
bookBedlam's Edge
Mercedes Lackey, Rosemary Edghill
audiobookGryphon in Light
Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon
audiobookTrio of Sorcery
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookSacred Ground
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookGryphon Trilogy - Gryphon in Light
Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon
bookSummoned to the Tourney
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audiobookInto the West
Mercedes Lackey
audiobookMusic to My Sorrow
Mercedes Lackey, Rosemary Edghill