
Ultimate karmic Release Spiritual Transformation Shift your reality : cut vows of poverty, release toxic ties & relationships, no more abuses, financial abundance, heal abandonment, love wealth

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Karmic is an energetic tie that denotes the cycle of causes and effects. Whatever comes around goes around. You have all the power to change your thoughts and emotions and thus release the past patterns. You are not bound by your creations

There is a misconception that the only way we get out of karma is to pay our debts. Karmas are only the by-products of your thoughts and emotions. When we raise our vibrations, we shift our realities into higher dimensions. We do not need to be stuck on the old cycles.

In this course, we will shift your powerlessness to empowerment. We let go of all ties thoughts emotions from all past lives and dimensions. We ultimately heal your lives in all directions and angles. We take our power back and forgive our past mistakes.

In this course, we will

Be your personal coach Release karmas in past lives Shift your reality to abundance Deep healings in all dimensions Letting go of poverty & vows Release toxic ties & relationships Gain back our power Clear your energy center And much more This is the ultimate karmic course. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to rest after the deep healings.

Narration : Chantalia
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