
Watched by Wild Animals

Livre numérique

Enos A. Mills' book 'Watched by Wild Animals' is a captivating collection of essays that delve into the author's encounters with various wildlife in the Rocky Mountains. Written in a descriptive and poetic style, Mills not only shares his awe-inspiring experiences but also delves into the importance of conservation and coexistence with nature. The book offers vivid imagery and personal reflections that transport the reader into the wilderness, making it a powerful piece of nature writing that embodies the ethos of the early 20th-century American conservation movement. Mills' literary style resonates with the works of other naturalists of his time, such as John Muir and Aldo Leopold, making 'Watched by Wild Animals' a significant contribution to the genre. Enos A. Mills' deep connection to nature, stemming from his early years spent exploring the Colorado wilderness, shines through in 'Watched by Wild Animals.' As a prominent conservationist and environmental activist, Mills' passion for the natural world is palpable in his writing, making this book a heartfelt plea for the protection of wildlife and wild places. I highly recommend 'Watched by Wild Animals' to readers who appreciate eloquent nature writing and are interested in the history of conservation in America.