
Your Manifest Destiny : 7.5 Words To Transform Your Future

Livre audio

If you're anything like me, you have a recent sense that new horizons are becoming more available to you. The future isn't what it used to be, but suddenly wide open. Our Creator has great things in store, and it's a certainty that you're a part of His blueprint for that world.

Many of my friends are answering the call. They're staking their claim in the new frontier of this entrepreneurial, technological and information driven society. They're seizing what I call their manifest destiny.

I don't have the room to explain that amazing idea here - it would take a book. Therefore, I've written one for you. My new volume, Your Manifest Destiny: 7.5 Words To Transform Your Future, lays out the pathway for those who boldly want to go where no man or woman has gone before. I discuss the new laws of entrepreneurism, and how you can get put them to use in your everyday life. We talk about the Creator's principles and practicals; we meet a few men and women who are making it happen; and we look at what it's going to take for you to get started today in the task of making your dreams come true.

I'm fully convinces that The Creator is doing something unprecedented through our people - something that honors his name, something that gives you a hope and a future.