Childhood studies an children's rights

Série • 1 livre

Wie nehmen Kinder ihre Beteiligungsrechte in Umweltfragen wahr? Die vorliegende partizipative Studie gibt Einblicke in die Rechtsverständnisse von Kindern, die sich für die Umwelt engagieren. Verschiedene Vorstellungen von Kindern in Bezug auf ihr Recht auf eine gesunde Umwelt werden analysiert und Herausforderungen in der politischen Teilhabe in Umweltfragen von jungen Menschen aufgezeigt.

How do children perceive access and participation rights in environmental matters? The study presented in this book aims to broaden the discourse on political participation in environmental issues to include the perspectives of children and young people. As part of a participatory qualitative study, six interviews were conducted with young activists to explore their perspectives on their rights in environmental matters. The theoretical framework of the study is the concept of 'Living Rights'. Different dimensions of children's understanding of rights in relation to a healthy environment are analyzed, and challenges that children encounter when invoking their rights to access and participation are revealed.

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