Masterson County

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ KEEP YOUR FAMILY CLOSE—BUT YOUR ENEMY CLOSER. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Everyone expects her to fall for him. Perci Tyler isn’t having any part of it. Her three sisters had fallen—hard—for his brothers. But that doesn’t mean Perci is going to follow the same path with her irritating, arrogant, jerk of a boss, Dr. Nathaniel Masterson. It just isn’t going to happen. She and Nate despise one another—why change something if it works? But when circumstances force them closer together than ever, all the fight between them changes—shifting into something Perci can’t define. It terrifies her. Now she has no idea what she’s going to do with the devil in the center of her world. ★ HE WANTS HER—AND HAS FROM THE MOMENT THEY MET...★ Everyone knows it. His brothers, her sisters—the entire town of Masterson, Wyoming. Nate certainly knows it. Perci is the only one who doesn’t know just exactly how he feels. She’s made him ache for her—from the very beginning. Now, it was long past time he gave in to the temptation she presents
 Before the threat stalking them both ends any chance they have at forever.