The study of life is Ayurveda. ‘Veda’ means knowledge with—to know. ‘Ayur’ is life. According to Ayurveda, life is not a rigid compartment. Existence is not a rigid compartment. It is a harmonious flow. This is a short transcript that Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has had as he travels around the world meeting with individuals and groups of all kinds. While short, the dialogue reveals profound and practical insights that have been helpful to millions of people
Through The Eyes Of The Master
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookPunarnava - New Again
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookIndia in Action
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookSri Sri As I Know Him
Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookContradictions In Bhagavad Gita
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookKatopanishad Part 1
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookLiving The Mystery of Life
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookSpirit of Enquiry
Sri Sri Ravishankar
Sri Sri Ravishankar
bookShiva The Enternal Joy
Sri Sri Ravishankar